Respuesta a la Iniciativa internacional 2006/07 de “Portals and Human Union for Stop the Global Warming Now”, liderada por el Arq. RGF y de la que participaron cientos de tiendas virtuales y portales de diferentes partes del mundo. Desde la misma no se ha repetido una acción semejante de la que libremente participara el sector privado apoyando actividades para detener el Calentamiento Global.

viernes, 29 de diciembre de 2006, 01:44 pm

“governor@govmail.ca.gov” <governor@govmail.ca.gov>

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Thank you for your comments regarding greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Global warming and the burning of fossil fuels are threats to California and the world. We know the science, we see the threat and the time for action is now.

As Governor, I am committed to leading by example to protect California’s environment for future generations. The budget I signed for 2006-07 provides $30.4 million for climate change initiatives. The funding will help our state meet ambitious goals I set in 2005 to reduce GHG emissions to 2000 levels by 2010, 1990 levels by 2020 and 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050.

My directive establishes California as a leader in the fight against global warming and sets an ambitious precedent for the federal government and other states to follow. It also charges the California Environmental Protection Agency with developing and implementing the strategies to achieve the emissions reductions. These targets will help protect California’s water supply, air and coastline from the threat of a changing climate and reward businesses that invest in efficiency-enhancing technologies.

In July, I met with British Prime Minister Tony Blair to discuss the immediate need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the adverse consequences of climate change. We signed a historic agreement to become partners and act aggressively to address climate change and promote energy diversity.

I also expect the state government to do its part in reducing GHG emissions. My Green Building Initiative calls for the state to increase its energy efficiency by 20 percent by 2015, which will save $100 million in energy costs each year.

My work to protect the environment also includes the 25 million acre Sierra Nevada Conservancy, opening the path to a hydrogen highway and establishing the first Ocean Protection Act in the nation. My Breathe Easier Campaign seeks to remove the worst polluting vehicles from California roads, and my Flex Your Power at the Pump program helps motorists use gasoline more efficiently.

Again, thank you for your interest in global warming and for sending me your letter. By working together, we can meet the needs of our economy and our environment, as well as make this Earth a place of beauty and opportunity for all generations.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

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